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My kid was denied a slice of cake at friend's birthday party

Jul 04, 2023

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"I’m going to mom shame," begins Kat Sticker in her now-viral TikTok video.

She says that the only people she's ever mom shamed are herself and her own mom, "but one other mom is going to be added to the list because what the f–k."

So what did this mom do that's so bad?

Picture this, her daughter, MK, has spent most of the morning in a park bonding with a bunch of kids, who just so happen to be at a birthday party.

No cake for me thanks, I’m full…of rage👹

Then, her new BFFs pull out the birthday cake and MK goes in to grab a slice, only for the disapproving mom to literally pull it right out of her hands.

"Am I entitled, or is this messed up?" Kat asked, before recounting the incident.

"It was literally just us and this birthday group in the park. MK is playing with them, it was nice, it was actually very cute. Time to sing happy birthday, she's one of the group right now, they’re welcoming her with open arms… or so I thought."

"I see MK's intention of grabbing a piece of cake so I walk over to make sure it's okay as a formality, obviously I was like it's okay, it's a cake, there's lots of pieces."

"The mother takes the plate away from MK and gets down to her level and says, ‘You cannot eat this cake, okay? This is not your birthday party, these are not your friends. Where is your mother?'"

Kat ends the clip by covering her mouth in shock.

Kat's video soon went viral, racking up over four million views and 500k+ likes and it's safe to say most of the viewers were equally in shock.

"The part that gets me is the ‘these are not your friends.’ They’ve been playing for half an hour. To kids, that's friendship," said one viewer.

"I can't believe a parent would treat a child like that regardless. I’d be super happy to share a cake with a new friend my kid has made," remarked someone else.

Then this person pointed out that, "The only appropriate response is, ‘Run and ask your mom if you’re allowed to have cake.’ Reengages the parent and gives you a second to count the slices."

"Why did this story bring me to tears… WHO DOES THAT?!" another asked.

But one woman sided with the other mom and said: "I wouldn't expect my kid be given cake, I’d be prepared to separate my child from the party."

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