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Republican Women host BV toymaker

May 27, 2023

Pictured at the toy workshop from left are Norma Smith, Jennifer Engel, Erin Godonis, Mary Lee Bensman and Katie Twomey.

The Chaffee County Republican Women invited Mary Lee Bensman of the local nonprofit Choose Life Toymakers to their May 2 meeting at SDCEA. Members could study the two story boards that explain the process and give the stats.

Jennifer Engel, president of Republican Women in Buena Vista, wrote in the meeting announcement:

"Mary Lee Bensman, founder of Choose Life Toymakers, will provide an overview of her wonderful local non-profit organization. Mary Lee has graciously invited our CCRW club to tour Toymakers’ workshop where volunteers selflessly have been making thousands of small wooden toys which are handed out to children."

Founded in July of 2020, volunteer toymakers have made over 7,700 toys and given away over 7,200. Bensman explained how the purchase of the wheels and axles through Woodpecker Crafts accumulates points which can then be used as coupons for benefits. One of those benefits is having a tree planted by Arbor Day Foundation. For every $100 spent they can have one tree planted. To date 25 trees have been planted in Toymakers’ name.

"This is one of the ways we are environmentally responsible," Bensman said. "All of the wood we use is scrap, donated by the local lumber yards and Basic Industries. We keep wood out of the landfill and in the forest."

She stressed that Choose Life Toymakers is not a political entity. "Our sole purpose is to make quality wooden toys to give away to kids," Bensman said. "The reason the toys are free is so that any child who wants one can have one."

Toymakers exists solely on donations from individuals and local businesses, grants and visitors and is staffed by volunteers. "Nobody gets paid," Bensman said. "Not even me."

Toymakers has had a booth at the BV Fourth of July event in McPhelemy Park for 2 years and will be there this year. "We give away 400-500 toys at each of these events," Bensman said. "People from all over the world come to our booth. Most make donations even though the toys are free. Some people make donations even if they don't take a toy. We have also gotten many of our volunteers at this event. And they often bring friends. It is fun to see how our small operation is growing."

One of the many places these toys are distributed is through Operation Christmas Child. Toymakers teamed up with ClearView Community Church, the local collection point for the shoeboxes two years ago, donating about 1,000 toys so far.

They also collaborate with other local Christmas outlets such as BVHS Toys for Tikes, Santa at Rocky Mountain Christmas fair and in general pregnancy centers, doctors offices – anywhere there are kids.

"Sometimes a volunteer will ask for toys to give away for a personal cause," Bensman said. "One has given 100 toys to her daughter in Arizona who is a doctor, serving traumatized kids. One of the board members has a relative at the Corpus Christi police department and gives our toys to their advocacy program. It is amazing how our Buena Vista outreach is serving kids all over the U.S. and the world, as well as our own community."

After the meeting, five members toured the workshop which gave them a clearer understanding of the process, seeing for themselves the equipment, materials, process.

Bensman is available for group presentations or to give tours of the toy workshop. Don't be surprised if she tries to recruit you to help make toys. "There is always something someone can do to help."

The website is and Bensman can be reached at [email protected] or 719-293-5891. Donations can be made at Collegiate Peaks Bank.

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