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Astoria Art Walk June 2023

Apr 15, 2023

Angi D Wildt Gallery, 106 10th St.

New pieces have arrived at this gallery from Ron Nicolaides, whose paintings are informed by the romantic styles of Eugene Garin, Ivan Aivazovsky and Frederic Edwin Church. Stormy and tranquil, Nicolaides’ approach has created an ideal setting for view.

Astoria Art Loft, 106 Third St.

In "Born Again Sculpture," discarded tools, containers and fibers come together to become something new. Artists Rhonda Gewin and Jim Unwin create sculptures using cast-off objects and pieces of wood and metal. Enjoy whimsical creations and deeply moving wooden sculptures at Astoria Art Loft.

Astoria Studio Collective, 1010 Duane St.

Join local authors at this location during a pop-up fair, hosted by The Writer's Guild of Astoria. Representative authors include William Dean, Mike Francis, Alyssa Graybeal, Sean Davis and Jan Johnson.

Artists Cathy Stearns, Kate Speranza, Scott Huster, Louise Walker, Denise Monaghan, Heather Goguen, Juleen Johnson and others will also open their studios to display work. Connect with local authors and artists and talk to them about their work.

Astoria Visual Arts, 1000 Duane St.

Celebrating Pride Month with faces, fish, flowers and fashion by local artists Jill Mulholland and Greg Carrigan, who work with light and assemblage to craft striking and thought-provoking imagery.

Mulholland explores how reflections under different lighting conditions shift to create differences in conveyed emotion. Meanwhile, Carrigan turns a lens on fashion with collage assemblages completed with a touch of refracted light.

Bridge & Tunnel Bottleshop & Taproom, 1390 Duane St.

Showing "Robin's Nest" from local mosaic artist Robin Mickelson. Each piece in this collection depicts a whimsical bird, and is made with stained glass, antique buttons and bobbles in a vintage frame.

Brumfield Gallery, 1033 Marine Drive

Presenting new ceramic works by Oregon sculptor Cary Weigand, whose inventive clay pieces utilize a muted color palette to create quietly powerful imagery.

Brut Wine Bar, 240 10th St.

In this show, Astoria-based visual artist Amie Pascal emerges with the tradition of memento mori to consider fragility through vibrant still life scenes of flowers and other ephemera. Pascal, who primarily works in acrylic and gouache, will be at Brut from 5 to 8 p.m.

Cambium Gallery, 1030 Duane St.

Welcoming visitors to a Pride celebration, with new releases from Audrey Long ceramics and a selection of other LGBTQ+ artists. Also featured is Drag Queen Lazy Susan at a psychic station from 3 to 5 p.m.

Foragers, 1332 Commercial St.

Hosting a second annual Queer Makers Market. Support local vendors and celebrate Pride Month. Foragers will have a live DJ and local performers with Sleeper Coffee offering a mocktail menu from 3 to 6 p.m.

Forsythea, 1124 Commercial St.

Featuring "Sellwood Spackle" by Rachel Nunez, with spackle used to create unique textured art.

Gathered Bakeshop & Market, 512 12th St.

The West Exchange School proudly presents art made from their beach cleanup on Earth Day in April. Students were tasked with cleaning up debris from the beach and creating art with what was found.

Imogen Gallery, 240 11th St.

In "What the Ravens Saw," painter and sculptor Stan Peterson brings a new series of carved and painted wood for his third solo show at Imogen Gallery.

This series was inspired by Peterson's recent artist residency at Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, where artist Georgia O’Keeffe lived, worked and wandered. This, and Peterson's time observing the area's ravens, framed this body of work. Stop by and meet the artist, he’ll have plenty of great stories to share about his work and experiences. This collection is on display through July 3.

Labor Temple Diner & Bar, 934 Duane St.

Showing over a dozen original oil-on-canvas paintings by artist John Wesley Willis, including many new works and recognizable Astoria scenes.

LightBox Photographic Gallery, 1045 Marine Drive

Featuring new work by The Guild at Lightbox, eight dynamic artists and photographers. Rachel Wolf creates her work without a camera, exposing photographic materials to an array of objects, light sources and chemical agents, allowing medium and object to become one.

View a collection of Wolf's work in "Just a Friendly Reminder That You’re Awesome: A Camera-less Odyssey."

Old Things and Objects, 1144 Commercial St.

Showing vintage Northwest maritime art, including paintings, signed prints, pottery, Native American jewelry, vintage clothing, military items, books, records and more.

Paul Polson Studio Gallery, 100 10th St.

Adding new oil paintings this month, this gallery of surrealist and impressionist works is the showroom of painter Paul Polson. Find a collection of water base works this month, including many inspired by travels through Europe.

RiverSea Gallery, 1160 Commercial St.

"Trust" is June's theme at RiverSea, featuring work from Nanette Wallace and William Park. These two artists trust in spontaneity and create what they feel in the moment. Wallace's monotypes show an imaginative narrative, fluctuating between elegant and uncomfortable. Her gestural figures are an emotional response to her surroundings, with a profound connection to water, light and nature.

Park's paintings begin with geometric shapes, altered as he responds to the sensual physicality of slathering paint in an unplanned and intuitive manner. The resulting works depict abstracted objects, structures or landscapes that are softened, alive and evolving.

In the alcove, folk artist Mark O’Malley pays tribute to lighthouses and other iconic local landmarks. Scenes are painted on framed wooden puzzles. RiverSea will host an artists’ reception with music from John Orr between 5 and 8 p.m.

Weird Sisters Freak Boutique, 1004 Marine Drive

In "Art Clash: Battle of Life Art," artists William Michael Brown, Sondra Carr and Roy Sanchez compete this month for audience votes. Stop by and vote for a chance to win $100 plus whatever the audience contributes. Artist Tom Sky will perform ambient soundscapes in the portal, refreshments and cool alien socializing in all the liminal spaces.

West Coast Artisans Gallery, 160 10th St.

Showing a set of vertical landscapes that impart a feeling of depth and space, tranquility and serenity. "Uniquely Vertical" is a concept by Janet Hutchings, and presents a series of landscape prints perfect for small spaces between or beside doors.

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Angi D Wildt Gallery, 106 10th St. Astoria Art Loft, 106 Third St. Astoria Studio Collective, 1010 Duane St. Astoria Visual Arts, 1000 Duane St. Bridge & Tunnel Bottleshop & Taproom, 1390 Duane St. Brumfield Gallery, 1033 Marine Drive Brut Wine Bar, 240 10th St. Cambium Gallery, 1030 Duane St. Foragers, 1332 Commercial St. Forsythea, 1124 Commercial St. Gathered Bakeshop & Market, 512 12th St. Imogen Gallery, 240 11th St. Labor Temple Diner & Bar, 934 Duane St. LightBox Photographic Gallery, 1045 Marine Drive Old Things and Objects, 1144 Commercial St. Paul Polson Studio Gallery, 100 10th St. RiverSea Gallery, 1160 Commercial St. Weird Sisters Freak Boutique, 1004 Marine Drive West Coast Artisans Gallery, 160 10th St. Keep it Clean. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. Don't Threaten. Be Truthful. Be Nice. Be Proactive. Share with Us.